Inspiring Quotes that will make you visit Barcelona


Barcelona is an amazing city that offers great quality of life for people who live there. There is a thriving nightlife. You could get lost in the rich culture, a close by beach and exciting and beautiful architecture surrounding you. If this type of life appeals to you, why not take the leap to this amazing city and the quotes about barcelona.

Weather nature

The city experiences both hot summers and mild winters. The temperatures varies between 12 degrees Celsius to a high of 30 degrees Celsius. You will experience seasons living in Barcelona but this city experiences little rain and is mostly warm than it ever cold.


The hottest months are May till August which if you love the sun and summer is amazing. This is also the time when tourists travel the most to experience the city themselves.

Public Transportation

Public transport of Barcelona has a very good connection. The city hosts metros (underground trains), buses, trams, trains and good old taxi’s.

The metro, trams and train run from 5am till midnight. After midnight the city has night buses! These buses run all night long (22:00 till 5am). So you don’t need to deprive yourself a good night out short in fear you can’t get home.

The Quotes about Barcelona

 If you would love to visit this beautiful city Barcelona, here are some quotes you will love to know.

  • “But if there was no Barcelona, why would you get out of bed in the morning?” – Ray Hudson, Footballer.
  • “Even the moon was embarrassed by the beauty of Barcelona.” – Andrew Barger, Author.
  • “To travel across Spain and finally to reach Barcelona is like drinking a respectable red wine and finishing up with a bottle of champagne.” – James A. Michener, Writer.
  • Barcelona… a city that bears the scars and dreams of a turbulent history.” – Carlos Ruiz Zafón
  • “Barcelona is a very old city in which you can feel the weight of history; it is haunted by history. You cannot walk around it without perceiving it.” – Carlos Ruiz Zafón
  • “I went to have a look at the cathedral, a modern cathedral, and one of the most hideous buildings in the world.” – George Orwell, Novelist.

The Quotes about Barcelona 2

  • “Barcelona, archives of courtesy, shelter of the foreigners, hospital of the people with low income, father-land of the brave, vengeance of the offended and pleasant correspondence of firm friendship, and in site, and in beauty, unique.” – Miguel de Cervantes, Writer.
  • “Barcelona is Gaudí’s.” – Kamand Kojouri, Author.
  • Barcelona is a city of art and architecture. I can wander around for hours and just appreciate the creativity and genius of Antoni Gaudí.” – Greg Norman
  • “Barcelona is an enchanting seaside city with boundless culture, fabled architecture, and a world-class drinking and dining scene.” – Tyler Cowen
  • “Barcelona is a city of contrasts, a city that offers a blend of traditional and modern, where the old and new coexist harmoniously.” – Unknown
  • “Barcelona is a city that invites you to wander and get lost in its streets, discovering hidden gems at every turn.” – Unknown
  • “Valencia makes you sick and Barcelona makes you laugh.” – Ernest Hemingway
  • “Barcelona is a city that leaves a lasting impression, a place where the past and present merge seamlessly.” – Unknown

The Quotes about Barcelona 3

“Here in Barcelona, it’s the architects who built the buildings that made the city iconic who are the objects of admiration – not a bunch of half-witted monarchs.” – Julie Burchill

“I’d love to be popular in Barcelona. That sounds like a fun job.” – Bobby Heenan

“Barcelona is my life, and I do not plan to leave.” – Gerard Pique

Barcelona didn’t try to live at the same pace as other global cities. It moved to the ticking of its own clock and everyone accepted it.” – Sarah Dayan

“Barcelona – the centre of the wise, model of purity, quarry of Kings.” – Baltasar Gracian

“To travel across Spain and finally to reach Barcelona is like drinking a respectable red wine and finishing up with a bottle of champagne.” – James A. Michener

“Italy has great food and Barcelona has great energy.” – Stefon Harris

“We crossed spacious streets, with building resembling palaces, in La Rambla promenade; the shops were well illuminated and there was movement and life… I did not decide to go to sleep, even though I wished to, so I could rise early and contemplate, in daylight, this city, unknown to me: Barcelona, capital of Catalonia.” – Hans Christian Andersen

“Just close your eyes and let’s pretend we’re dancing in the street in Barcelona”. – Ed Sheeran

“Barcelona I still long to hold her once more, oh My boots of leather From Europe I gather you know, know Every time you have to go Shut my eyes and you know I’ll be lying right by your side in Barcelona.” – George Ezra

“Such a beautiful horizon, like a jewel in the sun.” – Freddie Mercury


I hope you enjoy these beautiful and breathtaking quotes about Barcelona and you found the one that got you. Take a trip to Spain but find yourself in BARCELONA

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