Manchester United ban several journalist from entering Erik ten hag press conference ahead of Chelsea clash

erik ten hag sack

The red devil were quick to ban some news organization from entering Erik ten hag press conference on Tuesday. This was due to the rumor that the new Manchester united manager ten hag has lost his dressing room.

According to 90 min sport news, Man utd ban journalist from attention ten hag press conference. Manchester united clash with the blues on Wednesday, after the red suffered a defeat against Newcastle on Saturday.

Skysports, Manchester evening news, Daily mirror and ESPN were the four news organization that were denied access from entering.

Earlier, Manchester united released a statement which said “We’re taking action against a number of news organizations today. This is not for publishing stories we don’t like, but for doing so without contacting us first to give us the opportunity to comment, challenge or contextualize”.

“We believe this is an important principle to defend and we hope it can lead to a re-set in the way we work together.”

The performance of the team this season has left a lot of question as to if there is a problem between manager ten hag and the players. The red are currently sitting seventh in the premier league, and sitting bottom in their champions league group.

The possibility of united exiting the group stage in the champions league depends on a win against Bayern. The win against Bayern also depends on if Galatasaray and Copenhagen share the point between them.

United communication director, Andrew Ward stated that the club will do everything within it power to fight some news organization for propagating false news against the club.

This is the reason why man utd ban journalist from entering the conference at Carrington training complex.

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