Major penalty card in soccer today

football penalty card today

In soccer the use of penalty card brings about discipline in the game. The colored piece of card has it power to influence a game, also bring beauty to the game.

The football penalty card are symbols of order, justice and fair play in football. As the game keeps shaping it is more important to maintain the integrity of the game with certain discipline. The cards also tells the performances of player in a game, they come in three different colors which are red, yellow and white.

The red card see’s a player removed from the game immediately with match suspension attached to the punishment. If a player shows a violent conduct severally, the red card shows.

Football penalty card and their meaning

football penalty card
  • Yellow Card in Football

The sunshine yellow card serves as a first warning card when a player, the yellow signify a minor violent conduct. The player is issued a yellow for reckless challenge, persistent fouls but when issued two yellow card the player gets a red which means the player is ejected from the play.

  • Red Card in football

A red card indicates a serious offense like violent conduct, denying a clear goal-scoring opportunity, or foul language. It means immediate ejection from the game, the red card has it power of influencing the game which may change the tactics of the opposing team.

  • White Card in Football

The white card is not widely used in all the leagues, but the white card in football penalty card is to only send the player off the game for a particular period of time. white card typically signals a temporary suspension, allowing the offending player to return to the field after a specified cooling-off period.

two yellow card in football?

If a player receives two yellow card, a red card is equally given which takes the player out immediately

What are the major cards in soccer ?

The three major cards in soccer are red, yellow and white. But the white card is yet to be used in several leagues.

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