Erik ten hag says Sancho will not be in the squad to face Burnley on Saturday

erik ten hag sacked saga

Manchester United manager said in his pre-match conference that the England International player will not be in the squad to play Burnley on Saturday.

In the summer of 2021, Sancho made a highly-anticipated return to England, signing with Manchester United. The Red Devils secured his services for a reported fee of £73 million, a testament to the player’s immense potential and quality.

But Sancho has find it difficult to pick back his form, the English player took to his social media to challenge his manager who spoke about his poor performance in training which led to absence from the squad against Brighton and Bayern Munich in the Champions league.

During the pre match press conference with Erik ahead of the match against Burnley on Saturday, man utd manager told the press “it depends on him if he wants to play for the club again”.

Our focus as a team is on the game against Burnley and every player is more concerned about the game, said Erik ten hag.

Harry Maguire, Varane, Amrabat Mason Mount have started training and but Varane only stand the chance of coming into the team because his injury was not for long, The rest might come on from bench.

Man united dressing room conflict rumor

At the pre-match conference, Erik also kicked against the leaked rumor of Manchester united dressing room unrest, labelling it not true. “everyone is entitle to his or her own opinion, but i know my players and they are more concern about winning every single game, so everyone can make their suggestion” said Erik ten hag.

All the staff and players are all united in the dressing room and everyone is fighting so hard to see the team suceed, “it is my second year as the manager and i understands they will also be ups and down but we can only come out strong if we stay together.

I’m not under any pressure as regarding the poor performance in the start of the 2023 campaign season.

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