Google celebrates late Nigeria’s Football legend Rashidi Yekini on his 60th birthday

rashidi yekini

Google has taken it upon itself to celebrate late Nigeria football icon and legend Rashidi Yekini today being his 60th birthday if he was alive. Monday, 23rd October the late super eagles legend became 60 years, Rashidi Yekini was more than just a football player; he was a symbol of hope and inspiration for millions of Nigerians and football fans worldwide. His legendary status is not just about his remarkable goal-scoring prowess, but also the indomitable spirit and passion he brought to the game.

Rashidi Yekini was born on October 23, 1963, in Kaduna, Nigeria. His love for football blossomed at a young age, and he soon became a familiar face on the streets of Kaduna, displaying incredible dribbling skills and an innate ability to put the ball in the back of the net. His journey from those humble beginnings to international stardom would be nothing short of extraordinary.

In 1981, Yekini began his professional football career with UNTL in kaduna, his significant impact earned him a call in the Nigeria national team representing his country at the 1984 African Cup of Nations tournaments. His memorable moment came up at the 1994 FIFA World Cup held in the United States, scoring one of the most iconic goal in FIFA World Cup history, Yekini goal in the super eagles opening match against Bulgaria helped the eagles reached the round 16 of the tournament which was their best world cup performance.

Rashidi Yekini legacy and impact

The super eagles legend passion was to see young footballer achieve their dreams, he founded Rashidi Yekini Foundation to support underprivileged children and promote grassroots football development in Nigeria, he was known for his humility and passion to help other on and off the pitch, unfortunately, in 2012 he died after struggling with mental health issues but will always be remembered as a football legend.


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