Christian Pulisic’s final chance AC Milan to keep top-tier European career going

Christian Pulisic's

Christian Pulisic’s venture into Serie A marks a promising new chapter for the American sensation. The significance of this major transfer will undoubtedly shape his legacy in the sport.

Christian Pulisic’s tenure at Chelsea didn’t unfold as initially anticipated. Hailed as a prodigious talent when he arrived from Borussia Dortmund, he carried a substantial price tag and was regarded as a game-changer with immense potential. While he occasionally showcased his exceptional abilities, these instances were fleeting. Whether due to injuries, fluctuations in form, or changes in management, Pulisic’s time at Chelsea failed to truly take flight, falling short of the lofty expectations placed upon him.

Despite acquiring medals in the UEFA Champions League and the Club World Cup during his tenure with Chelsea, his departure sees him depart with a somewhat diminished reputation. The allowances often granted to budding young stars are no longer applicable to Pulisic, as he is now viewed as a seasoned professional judged by the same standards as his peers. While his stint in London cannot be deemed a failure, it cannot be considered an overwhelming success either.

The impending move this summer has been a long time in the making, and it comes as no surprise. As he embarks on his journey to Milan, Pulisic joins a lineage of Chelsea players who have sought greener pastures in search of individual stardom, adding his name to the ever-growing list of players who have departed Stamford Bridge.

Christian Pulisic's

A history of Chelsea exits

Let’s be clear: there is no disgrace in facing setbacks at Chelsea. In fact, it can be argued that Christian Pulisic’s perceived failure is not entirely accurate, considering the challenges he and many other Chelsea players faced due to the club’s recent turbulent period spanning the last three years or so.

However, it is worth noting that several of the world’s most prominent stars have used their Chelsea setbacks as fuel for their future success. The likes of De Bruyne, Salah, Fikayo Tomori, Tammy Abraham, Daniel Sturridge, and Romelu Lukaku have all departed Chelsea in pursuit of brighter horizons, and they have undeniably found them elsewhere.

De Bruyne rose to stardom at Wolfsburg, while Salah embarked on fruitful spells at Fiorentina and Roma before cementing his status as an icon at Liverpool. Lukaku flourished at West Brom, Everton, Manchester United, and particularly Inter Milan before his return to Chelsea, a decision he may currently regret. Abraham, interestingly, has become a star at Roma under former Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho, while Sturridge excelled under ex-Chelsea coach Brendan Rodgers at Liverpool before injuries hindered his progress. Additionally, there’s Tomori, who, like Pulisic, made a move to Milan, although a different version of the club compared to the Serie A contenders we see today.

These success stories often serve as ammunition for social media mockery of Chelsea’s transfer dealings. However, there are also players who failed to thrive after Chelsea parted ways with them, though they might not receive as much attention.

Unlike Christian Pulisic’s , all the aforementioned players experienced a decline before rebuilding their careers. Granted, the disparity between Milan’s standing in world football and the financial might of the Premier League places Chelsea in a different category. Nevertheless, the fact remains that Milan is participating in the Champions League in the 2023-24 season, whereas Chelsea is not, and that holds significance, doesn’t it?

There lies a path for Pulisic to follow, and there is reason to believe that life after Chelsea will indeed prove more favorable for him. His time in West London was arguably more tumultuous than that of the players mentioned earlier, and that speaks volumes. Yet, those players seized their opportunities by joining the right clubs at the opportune moments. All indications suggest that Milan could provide just the platform Pulisic needs to reignite his career.

Christian Pulisic's

Entering his prime

Christian Pulisic’s career can be divided into two distinct eras: the Dortmund era and the Chelsea era. During his time at Dortmund, Pulisic emerged as a prodigious teenage talent, while at Chelsea, he transitioned from a teenager to a young man and eventually assumed a leadership role within the USMNT.

Now, a new era awaits Christian Pulisic’s in Milan. At 24 years old, he is entering the prime years of his career. With a contract set to extend until 2027, he will likely have one more significant European contract if he remains committed to this one. Naturally, the hope is that Pulisic thrives and becomes a star at Milan, leading to another lucrative deal that carries him through the latter stages of his prime. However, it is important to acknowledge that things may not unfold according to plan.

If Christian Pulisic’s journey takes an unexpected turn, even if it’s not a downward spiral but rather a sideways move, Milan will likely be the last top-tier club willing to take a risk on him. While a return to Germany could be a possibility, it would be difficult to envision a genuine title contender placing faith in a player who struggled to make an impact at two elite clubs.

Presently, Milan is betting on Christian Pulisic’s potential rather than solely evaluating his current abilities. They hope to extract far more from him than what Chelsea was able to achieve. Simply replicating the Pulisic seen at Chelsea would undoubtedly be considered a disappointment for Milan. If he remains at Milan and continues performing at the same level as in recent years when he reaches 28, the biggest clubs in Europe may have already surpassed him.

To be fair, there is no shame in that outcome. Since bursting onto the scene, American fans have yearned for Pulisic to become the first world-class star from the USMNT. However, the reality is that he may not quite reach that pinnacle. It is entirely possible that he will be an excellent player, capable of performing admirably at a reputable club in a major league. That, in itself, should be deemed a success story.

Nevertheless, there is still a belief that Pulisic can and will demonstrate that his career should not be defined solely by his struggles at Chelsea. Pulisic himself likely believes that external factors hindered his progress, and he has a valid point. The crucial years of his career were marred by uncontrollable chaos, ranging from managerial changes to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the shift in ownership from Roman Abramovich to Todd Boehly’s arrival with significant investments.

While those factors belong to the past, there remains one variable beyond Pulisic’s control that will almost certainly determine whether his career takes off in Milan.

Christian Pulisic's

Those damn injuries

Whenever Christian Pulisic’s had the opportunity to showcase his skills at Chelsea, he often impressed. He displayed moments of brilliance, particularly during Frank Lampard’s tenure. Although his form was inconsistent, preventing him from securing a regular starting position, there were certainly flashes of his potential.

  • However, the major setback Christian Pulisic’s faced was the recurring injuries that derailed his progress. He always seemed to be a step behind the rest of the team, with new managers arriving just as the American was recovering from his latest setback.

Over his four-year spell at Chelsea, Pulisic missed a total of 55 games due to injuries. That translates to nearly 14 games per season spent on the sidelines. Only twice during those four years did he surpass the 1,710-minute mark, equivalent to half of a Premier League season. In the most recent campaign, he played just 812 minutes.

There’s a saying that the best ability is availability, and unfortunately, Pulisic was often unavailable during crucial periods throughout his Chelsea career. Although much of it can be attributed to bad luck, the unfortunate reality is that it’s challenging for players to shed the “injury-prone” label once it is attached to them.

This is a harsh aspect of the football industry, but it’s an undeniable reality. In order for Pulisic to thrive at Milan, he must steer clear of the injuries that plagued him at Chelsea. Could playing in a less physically demanding league aid his cause? It’s a possibility, but he will also need a stroke of luck to avoid further setbacks.

However, should the injuries resurface and become a recurring theme, Pulisic may find himself burdened with the “injury-prone” reputation, which could dissuade many top-tier teams from pursuing him.


Christian Pulisic's

The looming World Cup

This move holds immense significance for Pulisic, regardless of the circumstances. It presents him with an opportunity to prove himself in a new league with a renowned club. The motivation behind such a move is already substantial. However, like all American players making transfers this summer, this move is also influenced by the upcoming 2026 World Cup, a tournament that undoubtedly occupies the minds of every member of the USMNT and influences their decisions.

The 2026 World Cup, being hosted on home soil, has the potential to be a game-changer for American soccer. Pulisic, as the team’s figurehead, sees this moment as a chance to solidify his legacy. At just 24 years old, he is already regarded as one of the all-time greats of the USMNT. However, by the conclusion of that tournament, Pulisic has the opportunity to settle any debates definitively.

Nevertheless, he must first ensure his participation in the World Cup. He needs to arrive at the tournament with confidence and in excellent form. Every American player is building themselves towards that moment, whether consciously or subconsciously, and every decision they make carries the weight of that upcoming tournament.

With only three years remaining, time is limited in the world of soccer. Much can change within that timeframe, and there will undoubtedly be numerous twists and turns along the way. Therefore, there is no room for complacency.

For Pulisic, there is no time to stand still. In three years, he will be at the epicenter of the World Cup in his home country. He cannot afford to waste a year or two at Milan before making a last-ditch effort prior to the 2026 tournament. The stakes are too high, and every move must be purposeful and contribute to his ultimate goal.

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